Anti Bullying Approach
All pupils have the right to be safe from bullying, harm and abuse. At our academy we will ensure that the victims of bullying are supported and looked after.
Our academy aims to provide a safe, supportive and positive learning environment for our community, in which everyone has a right to be treated with dignity and respect.
Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. If bullying does occur all pupils and adults should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly, fairly and effectively. We are "a telling academy" This means all members of staff are required to listen and respond when bullying or concerns about safety and well-being are raised.
If your child is being bullied:
- Listen to them.
- Tell your child that bullying exists and it's not their fault. Please remember that bullying is defined as deliberate hurtful behaviour which is unprovoked and repeated over a period of time.
- Check all the facts. Is it bullying? Is it a friendship problem, which may resolve naturally?
- Talk about strategies which your child may use. Try the guidance in the website listed below.
- Tell the class teacher.
Our Anti-Bullying policy is available in the documents section of this website.