Queen's Park Academy

Anchors of Excellence

Our trust vision is to provide authentic, world class education to all of our students and children. We serve coastal communities where opportunities and aspiration may have been capped for generations and we recognise that our mission is to provide courageous, innovative and excellent education that enables our students to bridge and smash through the social divide, enabling them to become better motivated, better educated and have better lives.

In our academies we underpin this mission through our “Anchors of Excellence” which every leader, staff member, local board member and trustee believes in and commits to.

We aspire to be an employer of choice

  • We are committed to building and sustaining fair and equal positive relationships.
  • We commit to shaping a career framework which meets the needs and development of all individual staff members.

A consistent positive relationships approach runs through all we do

  • Policies detail expectations of how staff and children interact.
  • We both reward, guide and support children
  • We share an ethos and culture with aligns with our vision and values

House Structures in each academy link both academic and pastoral life

  • House structures provide a school within a school, community belonging and family based cohesion.
  • House systems back achievement, enrichment and inclusion.

We provide high quality, inclusive education

  • Our curriculum is sequenced, balanced, innovative and progressive.
  • It develops an enriched, knowledge focused curriculum to enhance understanding and accelerate outcomes of the highest standard.
  • The curriculum is modular with assessment built in to inform next steps for all.
  • We value diversity and are driven by our vision which is underpinned by a commitment to equality for all and to achieving excellence through courage and innovation.

The quality of education is underpinned by a clear, consistent pedagogy

  • Our pedagogy is informed by the EEF “Five a day” approach to ensure teaching meets the needs of all pupils.
  • Authentic Education teachers use Rosenshine’s principles to structure lessons and to ensure they always maximise opportunities for learning.

We are committed to ensuring disadvantaged pupils can disrupt social mobility and be successful in education and future careers.

  • We are building a rich culture of wider opportunities and learning both inside and outside the classroom.
  • We aim for all children to be able to access a wide range of enriched external activities in addition to the enhanced curriculum. This will build cultural literacy, expanding horizons and life opportunities.

We develop leadership at all levels to create sustainable excellence.

  • We are committed to develop and grow leaders at all levels, who can be innovative, courageous and who achieve excellence.
  • We succession plan, provide CPD and coach to achieve this.